My Family

My father and mother
Our small family

          The head of our family is my father. His word is law for all. My father's name is Wan Karmizi Wan Ishak, 40 years old is house construction laborers. Despite working for 7 hours per day he never complained of being tired after work. He is my inspiration. He inspires me to be patient in the face of any challenge that comes my way.

Besides that, Asmida Mustapha is my mother's given name. My mother's are the one looks after the house. She gets up really early. She does not rely on the maid or the cook. She is a lovely lady. She is somewhat conservative but not narrow minded. She is strong and courageous. My father has a great regard for her. He never does anything without consulting her.

I am the eldest son of my parents. My brother is younger than me. My brother’s name is Wan Ahmad Ridzwan. Ridzwan currently studying at SMK Machang, Kelantan. He is in the form 2. Even though our family is small we are still happy. I am very grateful and hope to Allah SWT that my family is blessed and abundant with sustenance as wide as the ocean and may Allah make all our journeys easier.